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Peripheral Angiography


If your vascular doctor at South Palm Cardiovascular Associates thinks you may have narrowed or blocked blood vessels associated with peripheral arterial disease, and requires additional testing to effectively evaluate your condition, he may recommend you proceed with an invasive angiogram.

Peripheral angiography testing allows your vascular specialist to see the arteries in your limbs, internal organs, or the carotid arteries and brain. The test uses standard x-rays, a special dye, and a small catheter placed inside an artery to take images of the inside of the vessel.

Peripheral angiography results may show narrowed or blocked arteries due to the presence of plaque buildup, blood clots, or injury to the vessels. If your Boynton Beach vein doctor detects abnormalities he will discuss appropriate treatment options with you and your family prior to proceeding. This is all part of the exemplary care provided by SPCVA physicians.


South Palm Cardiovascular Associates
2300 South Congress Ave, Suite 105
Boynton Beach, FL 33426
Phone: 561-515-0080
Fax: 561-303-2135

Office Hours

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